I was my fortnight duty of paying bills and paying off some Christmas lay-by’s when I wandered into the woman’s clothing section in Target where I grabbed a few items to try on. I had no intention on buying any as we all know out of any time of the year, Christmas is the worst time with having a few extra dollars to buy your self a treat, but I thought “hey, Why not. Lets just see what I can get to fit me!” I looked around the Dress rack that had a range of about 12 styles, of which I picked up ten. After handing the sales lady 4 of the dresses (as I was only allowed 5 at a time) I walked into the first change room and away I went taking off and putting on, taking off and putting on with each and every time my face lit up with joy, shock, excitement and then tears. Target has always been the smaller size and least likely to fit right up to size 26, but EVERY dress fitted and with a couple I could of gone a size 24, and then I did this again for the other 5 and once again they ALL fitted. I then returned the dresses to the rack and continued on my way with a smile from ear to ear feeling on top of the world.
I completed my bill paying and lay-buying tasks and was heading out of the shopping centre where I got side tracked into Autograph, (I mean come on they ran out and twisted my arm to go on in, they MADE me do it…) The sales woman behind the counter was more than happy to look after my parcels I had just got a target for Christmas presents, as I picked up just about anything I thought looked nice and things that iv wanted but have not fitted for as long as I can remember including a short (but not to short) denim skirt, some tops and a pair of board shorts, then off the to the change room to try on. Well I got all those emotions that I just had in target come flooding in once again but this time I was in tears when I saw that the board shorts actually fitted, I could do them up and still breath. I stopped and lent on the wall for a minute to remind myself this is just the start, this is really the beginning of the end. The end of the stores telling me what I have to wear. The stores limiting my choice of style. It just going to get better from here on in. Once I got myself together I put all the items back except for the denim skirt, there was no way I was going to leave that behind, I stopped for a moment and thought of getting the size 24 instead of the 26 as the size 26 fitted just perfect at that moment and not wanting to waste money on something that will only last a short time but decided on the 26 as I wanted that look good feeling and I thought I deserved that now not in a month time or more. I walked out of there one proud woman and have not regretted that choice once. You see any item of clothing I am buying at the minute is universal that I can take with me as I go down in size’s. PJ pants have draw string, short’s have no pockets so I can just take in easy on sides, skirts that have flare so taking in is easy but this skirt is something I have hoped to buy for a long time. This skirt is a wardrobe essential, and I finally have it and I plan on wearing the heck out of it too.
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